Green Acres hosts veggie talks plus a houseplant pot-up event
Delta society hosts annual show and sale of African violets, gesneriads and rare bloomers
Rain will dampen gardening plans, keep soil wet
Recipient can make a birdhouse with a succulent roof or a living centerpiece
Citrus Heights location offers three workshops, curated collection and expert advice
This succulent makes a great gift and can rebloom for many years to come
Popular holiday plant comes in wide range of hues including several shades of pink
Build a bioactive terrarium at Friday Happy Hour workshop
Find hundreds of indoor plants in rare varieties at Shepard Center event
Elk Grove store offers curated collection, advice
Citrus Heights nursery location holds celebration of indoor jungles
Learn how to buy and care for the tropical flowers
Indoor plant store in Davis draws shoppers via social media
Find gift ideas, food and plants galore
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