New! A hint of ginger is optional but delicious
After record heat wave, fall weather finally arrives
Fall show and sale features hand-painted items, Christmas ornaments.
Workshop held during Placer open garden; El Dorado and Yolo master gardeners also offer classes
Find scores of vendors and local home experts
Local vendors, artisans offer crafts, food and more at destination nursery
Repeat champion wins $7,000 for 1,967-pound pumpkin
New! Maple sautéed apples make a great topping for waffles, pound cake and more
Record heat zaps end of summer garden; time to focus on fall
Get in the seasonal spirit with these creative classes
Placer master gardeners present Fall Open House in sync with community event
Thanks to wet winter, Sacramento's annual rain total for 2023-24 almost average
Dozens of plant and crafts clubs offer plants, books, jewelry, artwork and more
Elk Grove Giant Pumpkin Festival returns Oct. 5 and 6
New! Toasted coconut, mustard seeds and nuts provide crunch
After September heat, October starts out with triple digits
UC Davis Arboretum celebrates 50 years of fall plant sales.
Water-wise gardening, lavender crafts, fascinating insects and a river habitat celebration
All seven locations will offer seasonal family fun, garden workshops
After oak falls on her house, Auburn teacher turns once-shady space into pollinator paradise
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Food in My Back Yard Series
March 18: Time to give vegetable seedlings some more space
March 11: Ways to win the fight against weeds
March 4: Potatoes from the garden
Feb. 25: Plant a fruit tree now -- for later
Feb. 18: How to squeeze more food into less space
Feb. 11: When to plant? Consider staggering your transplants
Feb. 4: Starting in seed starting
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Garden Checklist for week of March 23
The warm weather expected early in the week will prompt rapid growth – especially weeds! Make the most of those sunny breaks and get to work!
* Fertilize roses, annual flowers and berries as spring growth begins to appear.
* Watch out for aphids! Knock them off plants with a strong stream of water from the hose.
* Pull weeds now! Don’t let them get started. Take a hoe and whack them as soon as they sprout.
* Prepare vegetable beds. Spade in compost and other amendments.
* Prune and fertilize spring-flowering shrubs after bloom.
* Feed camellias at the end of their bloom cycle. Pick up browned and fallen flowers to help corral blossom blight.
* Feed citrus trees, which are now in bloom and setting fruit.
* Cut back and fertilize perennial herbs to encourage new growth.
* In the vegetable garden, transplant lettuce and cole family plants, such as cauliflower, broccoli, collards and kale.
* Seed chard and beets directly into the ground. (Soak beet seeds overnight in room-temperature water for better germination.)
* Plant summer bulbs, including gladiolus, tuberous begonias and callas. Also plant dahlia tubers.
* Shop for perennials. They can be transplanted now while the weather remains relatively cool.