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Mon, Mar 27, 2023

Wanted: Beautiful, sustainable gardens with eye on future

Pacific Horticulture's 'Design Futurist Award' to honor gardens and designers that make a difference

Sun, Mar 26, 2023

A sunny orange pie from a backyard windfall

This light dessert requires minimal stove time

Sat, Mar 25, 2023

Dig In: Garden checklist for week of March 26

Sacramento gardening forecast for March 26: Frost, rain and sun

Fri, Mar 24, 2023

'Grow Orangevale' features Farmer Fred, Baldo Villegas

At day-long free event, experts offer advice to inspire spring gardening

Thu, Mar 23, 2023

Learn to grow tomatoes that dreams are made of

Saturday class, presentations focus on vegetable gardening

Wed, Mar 22, 2023

Learn about firescaping, better protect your home

Free workshop offers advice on fire-wise landscaping renovations

Tue, Mar 21, 2023

Cymbidium orchids to pack Shepard Center

Show and sale features Sacramento Valley's best outdoor orchids

Mon, Mar 20, 2023

Happy spring! (But wait on planting tomatoes)

Cold, rainy conditions in forecast for Sacramento

Sun, Mar 19, 2023

Asparagus tart for spring

Greatest hits recipe: Ricotta cheese, phyllo part of a perfect brunch dish

Sat, Mar 18, 2023

Dig In: Garden checklist for week of March 19

Expect a soggy end to winter and start of spring

Fri, Mar 17, 2023

After sunny break, rain returns to Sacramento

Expect spring to get off to a soggy start, weather service says

Thu, Mar 16, 2023

Early Spring Ramble coming up March 26

Visit a garden of natives as the green season gets going

Wed, Mar 15, 2023

Dick Tracy, 'Garden Detective,' dies at 84

Award-winning garden writer, author helped solve backyard mysteries

Tue, Mar 14, 2023

Green Acres hosts 'Dig Into Spring Ideas Fair' on Saturday

New Roseville nursery and garden store will be packed with activities March 18

Mon, Mar 13, 2023

Grow local, shop local at Gardener's Market

Sacramento Perennial Plant Club hosts vendors and 'The Plant Lady' on Saturday

Sun, Mar 12, 2023

Orange sugar cookies: Bites of sweet sunshine

Triple-orange sugar cookies with or without orange glaze

Sat, Mar 11, 2023

Dig In: Garden checklist for March 12

Sacramento gets soaked (again) as we ‘spring’ forward

Fri, Mar 10, 2023

Learn about heart-, brain-healthy cooking at Carmichael event

Workshop focuses on how plant-based diet can promote better health

Wed, Mar 08, 2023

Beware of falling branches; more wind, rain coming soon

Sacramento region could get 4-plus inches of rain, wind gusts up to 50 mph

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Lemon coconut pancakes

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Garden Checklist for week of March 9

Make the most of the sunny days before the rain arrives mid-week; your garden needs some TLC.

* Pull weeds now! Don’t let them get started. Take a hoe and whack them as soon as they sprout.

* Start preparing vegetable beds. Spade in compost and other amendments.

* Prune and fertilize spring-flowering shrubs after bloom.

* Feed camellias at the end of their bloom cycle. Pick up browned and fallen flowers to help corral blossom blight.

* Feed citrus trees, which are starting to bloom. To prevent sunburn and borer problems on young trees, paint the exposed portion of the trunk with diluted white latex (water-based) interior paint. Dilute the paint with an equal amount of cold water before application.

* Feed roses with a balanced fertilizer (such as 10-10-10, the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium available in that product; organic fertilizers tend to have lower numbers, such as 4-4-4).

* Prune and fertilize spring-flowering shrubs and trees after they bloom. Try using well-composted manure, spread 1-inch thick under the tree. This serves as both fertilizer and mulch, retaining moisture while cutting down on weeds.

* Cut back and fertilize perennial herbs to encourage new growth.

* In the vegetable garden, transplant lettuce and cole family plants, such as cauliflower, broccoli, collards and kale.

* Seed chard and beets directly into the ground.

* Before the mercury starts inching upward, this is your last chance to plant such annuals as pansies, violas and primroses.

* Plant summer bulbs, including gladiolus, tuberous begonias and callas. Also plant dahlia tubers.

* Shop for perennials. Many varieties are available in local nurseries and at plant events. They can be transplanted now while the weather remains relatively cool.

* Soil pH is important for blueberries to produce a crop. Now is the time to test the soil around the plants using a soil test or soil meter. The soil should be in the 4.5 to 5.5 range; most Sacramento soil is in the 7 range. The sulfur package will list the amount to apply, depending on what the test shows.

Taste Spring! E-cookbook


Find our spring recipes here!

Taste Summer! E-cookbook


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Taste Fall! E-cookbook

Muffins and pumpkin

Find our fall recipes here!