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Image caption: Plants in containers will need extra care during this hot week -- the soil dries out much quicker than for plants in the ground. Some pots may need to be watered twice a day.

Featured: What red-hot July means for our gardens

Sacramento could hit 111 degrees this week; remember to water

Sun, Jun 30, 2024

Pop apricots on the grill for this flavorful summer salad

New! Grilled apricot and feta salad with balsamic vinaigrette

Sat, Jun 29, 2024

Dig In: Garden checklist for week of June 30

July starts red hot; be prepared for record heat, high fire danger

Fri, Jun 28, 2024

Be prepared: Triple-digit heat could torch July Fourth

Weather service declares 'Excessive Heat Watch' for Sacramento region

Thu, Jun 27, 2024

In appreciation of the crape myrtle

The ubiquitous tree gives summer landscapes some pop

Wed, Jun 26, 2024

Ditch your lawn the easy way: Sheet mulching

How to replace turf, prepare soil for future planting

Tue, Jun 25, 2024

Exotic Plants offers 'Glass Gardens' workshop

Learn how to create a bioactive terrarium to take home

Mon, Jun 24, 2024

Learn how to grow vegetables in raised beds, containers

El Dorado County master gardeners offer free workshop with strategies for bountiful success

Sun, Jun 23, 2024

Cobble together plums and cherries for a summer treat

New! Easy fruit creation's worth a little oven time

Sat, Jun 22, 2024

Dig In: Garden checklist for week of June 23

Some like it hot; you’ll find out in your garden this week

Fri, Jun 21, 2024

What’s wrong with my tomatoes? Probably the heat

Triple-digit temperatures can affect pollination, tomato development

Thu, Jun 20, 2024

Happy first day of summer! Here's a bucket list for the next 3 months

Ideas for gardeners to revel in the long days and cool nights

Wed, Jun 19, 2024

Green Acres hosts summer pot-up workshop

Make a container garden to celebrate July Fourth

Tue, Jun 18, 2024

Learn about Ikebana at 65th annual Sacramento show, sale

Shepard Center showcases art of Japanese flower arranging

Mon, Jun 17, 2024

Love flowers? See 1 million daylilies in bloom (and it's free)

Amador Flower Farm hosts annual Daylily Days with tram tours and barbecue

Sat, Jun 15, 2024

Dig In: Garden checklist for week of June 16

Red Flag Warning signals dry conditions, high fire danger

Fri, Jun 14, 2024

‘What's the Buzz about Pollinators?’ Find out at free workshop

Placer County master gardeners show how to attract more beneficial insects, birds and bats (yes, bats) to your landscape.

Thu, Jun 13, 2024

June: An ideal time to learn about and celebrate pollinators

Green Acres presents a free talk on ‘pollinator buffets’ Saturday

Wed, Jun 12, 2024

Get expert answers to garden dilemmas at Open Garden

Sacramento County master gardeners invite public to watch and learn at free event.

Tue, Jun 11, 2024

Have you seen this bad bug? Call state hotline

After successful fight against Oriental fruit fly, Sacramento County now battles Japanese beetles, which were discovered in Carmichael.

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Garden Checklist for week of June 23

Get to work in the mornings while it’s still cool.

* Irrigate early in the day; your plants will appreciate it.

* Generally, tomatoes need deep watering two to three times a week, but don't let them dry out completely. That can encourage blossom-end rot.

* Let the grass grow longer. Set the mower blades high to reduce stress on your lawn during summer heat. To cut down on evaporation, water your lawn deeply during the early hours of the morning, between 2 and 8 a.m.

* Tie up vines and stake tall plants such as gladiolus and lilies. That gives their heavy flowers some support.

* Dig and divide crowded bulbs after the tops have died down.

* Feed summer flowers with a slow-release fertilizer.

* Mulch, mulch, mulch! This “blanket” keeps moisture in the soil longer and helps your plants cope during hot weather.

* Avoid pot “hot feet.” Place a 1-inch-thick board under container plants sitting on pavement. This little cushion helps insulate them from radiated heat.

* Thin grapes on the vine for bigger, better clusters later this summer.

* Cut back fruit-bearing canes on berries.

* Feed camellias, azaleas and other acid-loving plants. Mulch to conserve moisture and reduce heat stress.

* Cut back Shasta daisies after flowering to encourage a second bloom in the fall.

* Trim off dead flowers from rose bushes to keep them blooming through the summer. Roses also benefit from deep watering and feeding now. A top dressing of aged compost will keep them happy. It feeds as well as keeps roots moist.

* Pinch back chrysanthemums for bushier plants with many more flowers in September.

* From seed, plant corn, pumpkins, radishes, melons, squash and sunflowers.

* Plant basil to go with your tomatoes. 

* Transplant summer annuals such as petunias, marigolds and zinnias.

* It’s also a good time to transplant perennial flowers including astilbe, columbine, coneflowers, coreopsis, dahlias, rudbeckia, salvia and verbena.

Taste Fall! E-cookbook

Muffins and pumpkin

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Lemon coconut pancakes

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