Expect spring to get off to a soggy start, weather service says
Visit a garden of natives as the green season gets going
Award-winning garden writer, author helped solve backyard mysteries
Find plants and much more at this popular event
Despite winter weather, weekend event should feature hundreds of flowers
February looks normal (so far); chilly and a little damp
Hands-on opportunity uses bounty of estate's flower-filled gardens
Chilly nights follow clear days; watch for frost
Sierra Foothills Rose Society hosts free workshop -- and a chili cookoff
'Yuletide' brightens holidays, feeds hummingbirds with December blooms
Get to work on trimming bushes and coaxing dormancy
Frost could be in the forecast. Make the most of clear days in the garden.
Rainy conditions expected to be followed by cold nights
Expect perfect weather this Halloween weekend, but change is on the way -- and (maybe) some rain!
Fun seasonal workshop at Relles Florist
Customers will receive flowers to keep and to share
Find a favorite new rose among the hundreds on display
The weather's perfect for planting
See the newest exotic cultivars as well as old favorites
Hardy tropical plants can handle high temperatures.
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