Recipe: Roasting the tomatoes adds extra flavor
August ends on a warm note, but cooler days coming soon
Triple-digit temperatures can keep tomatoes from turning full red, says Farmer Fred
Heat spikes dried out flowers or caused plants to abort fruit
How to renew vigor of bearded iris, a perfect perennial for Sacramento
More triple-digit heat coming soon; plan accordingly
Stink bugs and leaf-footed bugs like August weather and ripening fruit
Master gardeners offer two free workshops on fall and winter vegetables
Elk Grove store offers curated collection, advice
Recipe: Easy fig compote with orange and vanilla
Our yo-yo weather continues; watch out for signs of plant stress
Popular podcast host shares keynote speaker duties at Harvest Day
'Habitat Gardening' is the theme for the latest publication
Sunflowers can be planted in late summer for autumn blooms
Select local vendors, clubs and organizations bring wide range of specialties
Weather roller-coaster continues; triple-digit temperatures return this weekend
Registration required for free event Aug. 6
Plant talks, vendors, food and fun during annual gardening celebration
Melon-avocado salad with lemon vinaigrette
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