Succession planting allows for a more consistent flow of home-grown food
Annual census of feathered friends starts Friday
New! Citrus salsa with fresh orange, mandarin, kumquat and lime
More wintry weather on tap; be ready for frost and rain
After heavy rain, more winter weather is on the way to Sacramento, foothills
Arboretum and Public Garden included in this family-friendly event
Sacramento and Placer experts available to answer questions
Small investments, big yields for gardeners with patience
Learn how to grow more -- and save more, too
New! Vegan soup is loaded with vegetables and spices
After dry January, February gets off to soggy start
ReScape invites participants to share their landscape dilemmas (and send photos)
Farm and Garden Club hosts speaker at monthly meeting
Placer County master gardeners offer free workshop on bare-root fruit trees
Urban farm in South Oak Park hosts Winter Clearance Sale
NorCal Home & Landscape Expo opens Friday
New! Cabbage rolls stuffed with rice pilaf, mushrooms, raisins and lemon
Frosty and (maybe) damp forecast reminds Sacramento gardeners it’s still winter
Sacramento gardener creates notebook to make detailed record-keeping simpler
Three events scheduled to help boost campus landscape
Sacramento Digs Gardening to your inbox.
Food in My Back Yard Series
March 18: Time to give vegetable seedlings some more space
March 11: Ways to win the fight against weeds
March 4: Potatoes from the garden
Feb. 25: Plant a fruit tree now -- for later
Feb. 18: How to squeeze more food into less space
Feb. 11: When to plant? Consider staggering your transplants
Feb. 4: Starting in seed starting
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Garden Checklist for week of March 23
The warm weather expected early in the week will prompt rapid growth – especially weeds! Make the most of those sunny breaks and get to work!
* Fertilize roses, annual flowers and berries as spring growth begins to appear.
* Watch out for aphids! Knock them off plants with a strong stream of water from the hose.
* Pull weeds now! Don’t let them get started. Take a hoe and whack them as soon as they sprout.
* Prepare vegetable beds. Spade in compost and other amendments.
* Prune and fertilize spring-flowering shrubs after bloom.
* Feed camellias at the end of their bloom cycle. Pick up browned and fallen flowers to help corral blossom blight.
* Feed citrus trees, which are now in bloom and setting fruit.
* Cut back and fertilize perennial herbs to encourage new growth.
* In the vegetable garden, transplant lettuce and cole family plants, such as cauliflower, broccoli, collards and kale.
* Seed chard and beets directly into the ground. (Soak beet seeds overnight in room-temperature water for better germination.)
* Plant summer bulbs, including gladiolus, tuberous begonias and callas. Also plant dahlia tubers.
* Shop for perennials. They can be transplanted now while the weather remains relatively cool.