Annual census of feathered friends starts Friday
How to be a better (and more thoughtful) gardener
Elk Grove landscape designer shows how to use native plants to create bird- and bee-friendly gardens
Master gardener uses rebates to create her dream outdoor space
Sacramento-area vendors offer their unique creations, plants at Saturday event
Ideas for gardeners to revel in the long days and cool nights
Placer County master gardeners show how to attract more beneficial insects, birds and bats (yes, bats) to your landscape.
Green Acres presents a free talk on ‘pollinator buffets’ Saturday
More native plants means more resources for native insects, pollinators and birds
Volunteer birdwatchers of all ages can take part in four-day census
Food, flowers and shelter especially needed in winter
Berries from this parasitic plant (and popular holiday decoration) feed hungry songbirds in winter
American River Ranch hosts Saturday walks, workshop, produce stand and gift shop
Yolo County master gardeners share advice on how to create a 'Wildlife Friendly Garden'
Select local vendors, clubs and organizations bring wide range of specialties
Pollinator Week celebrates and supports these crucial workers
Learn how at free garden talks at all seven Green Acres
Placer County master gardeners offer free pollinator workshop
Got 15 minutes to spare? Join the Great Backyard Bird Count
Feathered friends need food help in winter
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