Garden forecast: November starts with real rain, then more warm days
Triple-digit heat again challenges tomatoes, squash
New! Pick your garden favorites for a quick side dish
Triple-digit temperatures can affect pollination, tomato development
Get ready for warm, sunny and breezy days ahead
Spring growth gets heat check as Sacramento hits 90-plus
2023 was a great tomato year for gardeners, farmers who planted later
August ends on a warm note, but cooler days coming soon
Triple-digit temperatures can keep tomatoes from turning full red, says Farmer Fred
Heat spikes dried out flowers or caused plants to abort fruit
More triple-digit heat coming soon; plan accordingly
Using basil, growing beets to be topics of Yolo master gardeners' workshop
Possible varieties matched up with mislabeled jalapeños and purple bells; listen to podcast with Farmer Fred
Cool spring challenged seedling growth, no matter the pepper variety
How to make the most now of our unusual spring combination
Heat arrives and so does vegetable planting time
After several summer-like days, cooler weather returns
Fragrant fruit melds well with peppers, cilantro
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