Downtown has received more than 18 inches so far in 2024 -- with more on the way
Environmental factors combine to cause the ripening fruit to burst
Surviving triple-digit temperatures comes down to moisture, mulch
Remember to water; Sacramento could be in midst of record heat wave
Weather service declares 'Excessive Heat Watch' for Sacramento region
Be prepared for quick fixes and managing garden info
Rain totals add up to something rare for area
Check drip system is working when plant shows sign of dehydration
Learn how to make your own 'garden gold'
Easy irrigation method: Use a bucket with a hole in it
How to make the most now of our unusual spring combination
'Mulch Mayhem' returns to Sacramento, Placer counties
Spring-like days finally arrive (but still too cold for happy tomatoes)
As Sacramento weather finally feels like spring, expect rapid changes in your garden.
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