Final event of the year focuses on fall planting, composting and more
But it's only good enough for second place as Minnesota mega-gourd breaks world record at championship weigh-off
Fall brings shorter days, but still hints of summer. Celebrate with more than 60 seasonal recipes
Annual festival celebrates humongous gourds and family fun
Free community party features food, music, shopping and family fun
Eradication efforts underway to stop the spread of this highly destructive pest
Leftover beef pairs with fresh tomatoes, carrots, potatoes and green beans
Final days of summer will be perfect for fall planting
Learn about planting garlic -- and preserving it, too
2023 was a great tomato year for gardeners, farmers who planted later
Sunny, clear and not-too-hot days make for good planting weather
Sacramento master gardeners staff Horticulture Center for Open Garden Day
Make the most of this cool end of summer; start your fall garden
Recipe: Roasting the tomatoes adds extra flavor
August ends on a warm note, but cooler days coming soon
Triple-digit temperatures can keep tomatoes from turning full red, says Farmer Fred
Heat spikes dried out flowers or caused plants to abort fruit
Some rain possible from unusual storm system, but not a deluge
Recipe: Onions, garlic add to this summer side dish
More triple-digit heat coming soon; plan accordingly
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