CNPS chapter holds Sept. 21-22 sale with pick-up later
Lincoln and Rancho Cordova also affected, and that's just the start
SacValley CNPS Nursery & Gardens hosts sale, needs used containers for future sales
Registration is open for more neighborhood tree plantings in March and April; families welcome.
Calendar is packed with gardening and related events
City of Sacramento, county offer options to turn trees into mulch
American River Ranch hosts Saturday walks, workshop, produce stand and gift shop
Sacramento Tree Foundation offers hands-on workshop
Oriental fruit fly affects local gardeners, Soil Born Farms
Eradication efforts underway to stop the spread of this highly destructive pest
In addition, American River Ranch holds its own plant sale, fall gardening clinic
Soil Born offers hands-on workshop in its American River Ranch orchard
Online sale of California natives begins Saturday
A morning of family fun features crafts, music, a maze and more
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