Find a new flower vase or special plant container
Find a new flower vase or special plant container
The sale includes more than 20,000 plants perfect for Sacramento-area gardens
Join the party Saturday at the Fulton Avenue store
Customers will receive flowers to keep and to share
Pick up master gardeners' tips for the best spring displays
Gnocchi roasted in the oven is a revelation
Get busy during week of perfect fall weather
Loomis in the spotlight with compost class, High-Hand Nursery event
Shade from trees can make the difference during stifling summer heat
Take a slow journey through an area populated by natural life
Find a favorite new rose among the hundreds on display
Bring garden questions, plant problems or mystery pests
Layer fresh Mediterranean vegetables for a colorful salad
The weather's perfect for planting
More weekend events: Plant sale, gardening classes
Plenty of inspiration and information for gardeners
Plants should be part of the plan for fire safety
Plant garlic now and reap benefits beyond culinary use
Upside-down treat is perfect for brunch or dessert
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