Preservation group propagates rose varieties found, in some cases, nowhere else
June starts with blast of summer heat (and warm nights)
Daily gardening blog reaches its sixth anniversary -- thanks to our readers!
Placer County master gardeners welcome public to experience their growing resource, now in spring bloom
Learn about all things lavender including how to make it thrive
Layer of wood chips, straw or leaves helps plants cope with summer temperatures
Free event Sunday includes plant sale, botanist's visit
Sacramento neighborhood hosts garden tour, plant sale
Carmichael Cactus and Succulent Society hosts 46th annual show and sale
Sacramento Chrysanthemum Society offers 1,000 plants in 85-plus varieties
Chilly storm throws another curve into spring weather
'Gardens of Folsom' spotlights seven private landscapes plus two bonus gardens
Sacramento Valley CNPS event spotlights wildlife-friendly landscapes
Look for new SDG signs with recipe links at all seven nurseries
More native plants means more resources for native insects, pollinators and birds
'Summer Strong' contest seeks beautiful landscapes that can take the heat
Get advice from local experts; see how they tackle spring tasks
Perennial Plant Club shifts second day of event to Sunday; other Saturday events still planned
Popular tour led by Warren Roberts highlights spring flowers in the public gardens
SacValley CNPS Nursery & Gardens hosts sale, needs used containers for future sales
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