On Wednesday, Warren Roberts guides free tour of earliest fall color
Find hundreds of indoor plants in rare varieties at Shepard Center event
Recipe: Easy cake can be gluten-free, too
Sunny, clear and not-too-hot days make for good planting weather
Timeless Thrills in East Sac hosts pop-up event featuring pottery, cactus and succulents -- plus a talk
Sacramento master gardeners staff Horticulture Center for Open Garden Day
Check drip system is working when plant shows sign of dehydration
Find hundreds of unusual, colorful shade-loving plants at free event
Let nature give you a hand; recycle fallen leaves -- and dig bigger holes
Recipe: Grilled chicken breasts with watermelon salsa
Make the most of this cool end of summer; start your fall garden
They only look scary (and they eat lots of bugs)
It's a Sisyphean battle, but don't surrender
Red Flag Warning means be cautious; what Sacramento-area gardeners need to know
Community Garden hosts free composting workshop
Placer County master gardeners offer expertise at several locations during the month
Recipe: Roasting the tomatoes adds extra flavor
August ends on a warm note, but cooler days coming soon
Triple-digit temperatures can keep tomatoes from turning full red, says Farmer Fred
Native plants, Arboretum All-Stars and more will be offered
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