Class with expert tips offered at all locations
Topics include salvias, blueberries, grasses and more
Holiday storms put averages back on track
New Year starts like the old year ends — kind of soggy
Sierra Foothills Rose Society offers free workshop with expert hands-on advice
It's time to start pruning; how to cue bushes to take a winter nap
Storms take a break over Christmas weekend, but keep umbrella close
City of Sacramento plans several Saturday pruning sessions in January and February
Be prepared to chill: Frosty mornings return to Sacramento forecast
Sacramento Tree Foundation offers hands-on workshop
Sacramento video program an award winner
Find out when street pick-up starts in your Sacramento neighborhood
Free classes cover key areas of fall gardening
Final event of the year focuses on fall planting, composting and more
Let nature give you a hand; recycle fallen leaves -- and dig bigger holes
Alchemist CDC offers two free workshops in Sacramento
Sacramento master gardeners host Open Garden Day on Saturday
February looks normal (so far); chilly and a little damp
Planning, planting workshops and videos from the area's master gardeners
Help trees and shrubs grow their best with timely cuts
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