Help trees and shrubs grow their best with timely cuts
Pruning shrubs and trees properly helps them stay healthy and strong. Kathy Morrison
“Pruning with Purpose” tackles the whys as well as the how. Set for 10 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 4, this free workshop offered by the City of Roseville uses as examples trees and shrubs at Mahany Fitness Center’s courtyard and patio.
“What's the key to developing healthy, strong, and attractive trees and shrubs? Pruning, of course!” say the organizers. “A local arborist from Roseville Urban Forest Foundation (RUFF) will walk you through the purpose and techniques of pruning. In this hands-on workshop, we will explore pruning types, proper cutting tools, and identify what cuts should be made. These principles will give you confidence to prune all types of trees and plants.”
Space is limited; only a few slots are left. Register here:
Part of Mahany Park, Mahany Fitness Center is located at 1545 Pleasant Grove Blvd., Roseville.
For more gardening classes and events offered by the City of Roseville, check this listing.
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Garden Checklist for week of Feb. 2
During this stormy week, let the rain soak in while making plans for all the things you’re going to plant soon:
* During rainy weather, turn off the sprinklers. After a good soaking from winter storms, lawns can go at least a week without sprinklers, according to irrigation experts. For an average California home, that week off from watering can save 800 gallons.
* February serves as a wake-up call to gardeners. This month, you can transplant or direct-seed several flowers, including snapdragon, candytuft, lilies, astilbe, larkspur, Shasta and painted daisies, stocks, bleeding heart and coral bells.
* In the vegetable garden, plant Jerusalem artichoke tubers, and strawberry and rhubarb roots.
* Transplant cabbage and its close cousins – broccoli, kale and Brussels sprouts – as well as lettuce (both loose leaf and head).
* Indoors, start peppers, tomatoes and eggplant from seed.
* Plant artichokes, asparagus and horseradish from root divisions.
* Plant potatoes from tubers and onions from sets (small bulbs). The onions will sprout quickly and can be used as green onions in March.
* From seed, plant beets, chard, lettuce, mustard, peas, radishes and turnips.
* Annuals are showing up in nurseries, but wait until the weather warms up a bit before planting. Instead, set out flowering perennials such as columbine and delphinium.
* Plant summer-flowering bulbs including cannas, calla lilies and gladiolus.