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Folsom craftsman creates top-rated handmade birdfeeders with antique glass

See stunning glass birdfeeders at annual Gardener's Market at Shepard Center

Glass birdfeeder
Mason jars and vintage glass are the main components of
Harold Malmquist's stunning birdfeeders. (Photos courtesy

A stash of antique glass became inspiration for a Folsom bird lover. Now, he creates beautiful birdfeeders that have won national acclaim.

Creator Harold Malmquist and his BirdfeedersRUs will be one of the featured vendors at the 17th annual Gardener’s Market,  on Saturday, March 12, at Shepard Garden and Arts Center in McKinley Park. It’s one of the first opportunities for local patrons to meet the craftsman and purchase one of his handmade feeders since his finch feeder was named best by Birds & Blooms magazine.

Capped with brightly hued vintage glass, the feeders are distinctive. A mason jar serves as the feed holder, attached to a durable metal feeder. Several feeders also have a plate attached to the bottom, acting as a little extra lip for birds to perch.

And birds like it. They see the food in the clear-jar feed holder and quickly make themselves at home.

In his own yard, Malmquist has watched a wide range of birds frequent his feeders including all sorts of finches, sparrows, towhees, doves and nuthatches. He travels with his birdfeeders, too.

“We’re RVers,” he added. “We like to feed birds wherever we go and this design travels well.”

In addition, Malmquist developed a line of pretty hummingbird feeders, each topped with a vintage glass hood.

Although their antique glass decoration looks delicate, these birdfeeders are actually pretty rugged. They can withstand constant visits from feathered friends, and the glass-plate tops seem to be an obstacle for squirrels. (Another plus!)

A traveling salesman with a large West Coast territory, Malmquist collects more glass from estate sales, thrift shops and antique stores up and down the coast. His inventory now includes dozens of popular patterns and a rainbow of colors from cobalt blue to ruby red. Pale blues, soft greens and petal pinks are part of his enchanting pastel collection.

“I’m constantly buying glass,” he said. “They’re not making more antique glass.”

Malmquist’s birdfeeder business started seven years ago with inherited boxes of old glass plates and bowls. He started by making yard art – whimsical glass flowers and sculptures – for his Folsom garden, then branched out to birdfeeders. He tested his designs in his backyard for sturdiness as well as avian appeal.

As they have since his first introduction, birds enthusiastically flock to his feeders and voice their approval.

“I keep the garage door open while I work so I can hear their symphony,” he said. “I do this for the love of the birds.”

When he introduced his creations on Etsy, the birdfeeders just took off. So far, he’s sold more than 3,000, originally under the name Yankee Glass Art and now BirdfeedersRUs.

“And all 3,000 are field tested,” he said. “The design works.”

His feeders are priced from $29.95 and up, depending on the size and glassware used. His hummingbird feeders range from $28 to $65. With antique glass top and bottom, his top-rated finch feeder sells for $89. See more at .

Purple finch feeder
Malmquist's elegant finch feeder is top-rated.

Now his garage is packed with racks of glassware, sorted by color and pattern. He buys his mason jars and metal feeders new, then hand-drills the glass and other components.

Did he ever think he could turn old glass into a bird-friendly business? “Never in a million years,” he said.

Malmquist has been approached about expansion into chain stores or other websites, but he’s declined. “To meet those needs, there’s too much volume,” he said. “It would take the fun out of it. I do this for love.”

Meet Malmquist and see his feeders during the Gardener’s Market from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, March 12, at Shepard Center, 3330 McKinley Blvd., Sacramento, in McKinley Park. Admission and parking are free for this event, presented by the Sacramento Perennial Plant Club.

Can’t make it Saturday? BirdfeedersRUs will return to Shepard Center on April 30 for the Sacramento Rose Society show and sale.


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Garden Checklist for week of March 2

Between raindrops, get outside and do some work. Your plants have been busy growing!

* Pull weeds now! Don’t let them get started. Take a hoe and whack them as soon as they sprout.

* Start preparing vegetable beds. Spade in compost and other amendments.

* Prune and fertilize spring-flowering shrubs after bloom.

* Feed camellias at the end of their bloom cycle. Pick up browned and fallen flowers to help corral blossom blight.

* Feed citrus trees, which are now in bloom and setting fruit. To prevent sunburn and borer problems on young trees, paint the exposed portion of the trunk with diluted white latex (water-based) interior paint. Dilute the paint with an equal amount of cold water before application.

* Feed roses with a balanced fertilizer (such as 10-10-10, the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium available in that product).

* Prune and fertilize spring-flowering shrubs and trees after they bloom. Try using well-composted manure, spread 1-inch thick under the tree. This serves as both fertilizer and mulch, retaining moisture while cutting down on weeds.

* Cut back and fertilize perennial herbs to encourage new growth.

* In the vegetable garden, transplant lettuce and cole family plants, such as cabbage, broccoli, collards and kale.

* Seed chard and beets directly into the ground. (Tip: Soaking beet seeds in warm water a day ahead of planting helps with germination.)

* Before the mercury starts inching upward, this is your last chance to plant such annuals as pansies, violas and primroses.

* Plant summer bulbs, including gladiolus, tuberous begonias and callas. Also plant dahlia tubers.

* Shop for perennials. Many varieties are available in local nurseries and at plant events. They can be transplanted now while the weather remains relatively cool.

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