New! Meyer lemon squares with candied almond crust
Potential frost danger follows gusty winds in Sacramento area
Sacramento and Placer groups welcome visitors to their demonstration gardens with free workshops
Learn how at free rose pruning workshop
New! Cream cheese filling enhances a winter treat
Get up-to-date local water information with handy online tool
Before buying more, thin your seed stockpile; compost or share the rest
Learn pruning while helping McKinley Park rose garden at two January events
Elk Grove garden store offers several creative classes
Control district sees spike in calls -- but winter storms this week will bring relief
Hearty winter warmer also is gluten-free
January ends with a touch of spring, but more rain on the way
In-street pick-up service wraps up for another winter
Recipe: Pantry ingredients add up to a filling meal
Get comfy indoors during very rainy days to come.
Sacramento expects 2.3 inches of rain (or more) in the next three days
Share seeds with other gardeners and bring home some for your own garden, too
Garden clubs meet at the McKinley Park site -- arts groups, too
Get answers to garden questions while watching experts at work
Just a bite's worth and easy to make
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