Sunshine follows April showers for a warm end to month
Sacramento Valley CNPS event spotlights wildlife-friendly landscapes
Enjoy the sunshine and get ready for summer crops
April showers will give way to plenty of sunshine
Popular tour led by Warren Roberts highlights spring flowers in the public gardens
Grab your sun hat; heat is on its way
Burbank High, Elk Grove Garden Club events Saturday
April starts with a sunny break before more showers
Master rosarian shares tips with Farmer Fred on spring rose care basics, propagation
Stories on Stage Davis hosts special event with literary, gardening flair
El Dorado County master gardeners offer free workshop
Plenty of sunshine and flowers welcome start of new season
Sacramento Valley Cymbidium Society hosts annual show and sale
Make the most of warm weather; tackle weeds and other spring chores.
Patricia Carpenter opens her property for the Early Spring Ramble
Spring is almost here (but first, some more rain)
American Rose Society offers free webinar on flower photography
Milestone event to be at new location: Scottish Rite Center
February has been very wet; warmer (and dry) weather is on its way
Feb. 24 event includes blossom show, tours and speaker Greg Gayton
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