Get answers to garden questions while watching experts at work
Just a bite's worth and easy to make
More pruning events set for Saturdays throughout January
Time to show your indoor garden some love
Lemon-persimmon muffins with lemon glaze
Rain and frost fill Sacramento’s forecast
Class with expert tips offered at all locations
Topics include salvias, blueberries, grasses and more
Holiday storms put averages back on track
Easy snack for game days or binge-watching, too
New Year starts like the old year ends — kind of soggy
Sierra Foothills Rose Society offers free workshop with expert hands-on advice
Food, flowers and shelter especially needed in winter
It's time to start pruning; how to cue bushes to take a winter nap
Roseville class covers fruit tree care from planting to harvest
Storms take a break over Christmas weekend, but keep umbrella close
Berries from this parasitic plant (and popular holiday decoration) feed hungry songbirds in winter
The gardening year gets off to a fast start
Recipe: Roasting squash increases the depth of flavor
Sacramento forecast calls for three days of steady rain
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