Weird weather did produce some winners (and a few winter tomatoes)
Garden forecast: November starts with real rain, then more warm days
Thanks to wet winter, Sacramento's annual rain total for 2023-24 almost average
New! A cobbler perfect for a seasonal transition
Coming soon: Much cooler temperatures with possibility of rain
The Secret Garden celebrates with two weekends of family fun
Delta society hosts annual show and sale of African violets, gesneriads and rare bloomers
New! Very Berry Syrup mixes strawberries, blueberries, blackberries -- or whatever you have
This week could be the perfect time to plant for fall, winter
Triple-digit heat again challenges tomatoes, squash
Get growing with more pleasure and fun
Elk Grove nursery offers big discounts on succulents, cacti, pottery and fountains
How did this Sacramento family spend their summer? Inspiring others on local billboards
New! Shopska salad makes most of ripe tomatoes, crunchy cucumber
After unusual storm system, summer warmth returns
Green Acres hosts special event at its Auburn location
Rare August rain could arrive Friday; be ready for a 25-degree swing in high temperatures.
New! Summery bread delicious for brunch or dinner
Below-average temperatures could prolong season for tomatoes, other summer vegetables
Elk Grove store hosts three workshops plus huge sale
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