Saturday events also include a native plant sale in Roseville
In addition, American River Ranch holds its own plant sale, fall gardening clinic
On Wednesday, Warren Roberts guides free tour of earliest fall color
Sacramento master gardeners staff Horticulture Center for Open Garden Day
Let nature give you a hand; recycle fallen leaves -- and dig bigger holes
El Dorado County master gardeners offer free workshop
Hands-on workshop shows what to do with cuttings, divisions and seeds
'Habitat Gardening' is the theme for the latest publication
Select local vendors, clubs and organizations bring wide range of specialties
Registration required for free event Aug. 6
Find huge discounts on water-wise selections, perfect for our climate
Find hundreds of annuals, vegetables and more, including some big bargains
Pacific Horticulture's 'Design Futurist Award' to honor gardens and designers that make a difference
Visit a garden of natives as the green season gets going
First of the season's four sales features huge selection of water-wise plants
Online sale of California natives begins Saturday
Sacramento Valley Conservancy opens trails on Saturdays
Free self-guided tour available Jan. 29, rain or shine
Feathered friends need food help in winter
Celebrate, learn about and purchase California natives
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