Two-hour class Saturday at Community Garden and Learning Center
Rain totals add up to something rare for area
Layer of wood chips, straw or leaves helps plants cope with summer temperatures
Five locations open Saturday with wood chips for local gardens
'Summer Strong' contest seeks beautiful landscapes that can take the heat
Event features succulents, natives and water-wise perennials; members get in early
Master gardeners to unveil water-wise showcase at Loomis Library
Sacramento Perennial Plant Club event features dozens of vendors at Shepard Center
Control district sees spike in calls -- but winter storms this week will bring relief
Huge three-day show features designer landscapes and free seminars
Get answers to garden questions while watching experts at work
Time to show your indoor garden some love
Roseville offers two-month course designed for home gardeners; sign up now
Tuesday's rain gets new water year off to good start
Final event of the year focuses on fall planting, composting and more
Placer County master gardeners to break ground on 11,000-square-foot project
Sacramento master gardeners staff Horticulture Center for Open Garden Day
Recipe: Grilled chicken breasts with watermelon salsa
Popular podcast host shares keynote speaker duties at Harvest Day
Learn how to make your own 'garden gold'
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