Spectacular tropical showcase set for Wyndham Hotel this weekend
Find hundreds of annuals, vegetables and more, including some big bargains
Test your knowledge with a quick quiz
Weekend events range from Natomas to Orangevale to Placerville
Famous feng shui oasis in Davis hosts tour on Sunday
'In the Garden' is theme for annual show and sale at Shepard Center
After canceling March event, Arboretum nursery offers 'split sale' to Friends and public
Capital City group hosts annual event including display of prized plants
Pacific Horticulture's 'Design Futurist Award' to honor gardens and designers that make a difference
Free workshop offers advice on fire-wise landscaping renovations
Visit a garden of natives as the green season gets going
New Roseville nursery and garden store will be packed with activities March 18
First of the season's four sales features huge selection of water-wise plants
Online sale of California natives begins Saturday
Overnight lows could reach 29 degrees, kill crops and damage plumbing
February ends on a wet and windy note
Be prepared; forecast calls for freezing temperatures and strong winds
They may be on sale already, but it's not time yet
Special event features unique collection and expert advice
Green Acres hosts special event Saturday at five locations
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