Family-friendly exhibit extended at Sonoma Botanical Garden
Shepard Center showcases art of Japanese flower arranging
Sacramento textile artists host colorful array at Shepard Center
Gallery combines art and garden appreciation in popular event
Discover six private gardens with lots of personality
Sacramento Perennial Plant Club event features dozens of vendors at Shepard Center
Garden clubs meet at the McKinley Park site -- arts groups, too
Shop for unique gifts at this destination nursery (and much more)
Sacramento Center for Textile Arts hosts annual showcase featuring work by local craftspeople and artists.
Unique event at Shepard Center features hand-painted items, tea service
Colorful creations to come down Friday; on Saturday, Shepard Center holds annual meeting.
Find great bargains on art and craft supplies, and learn to tie-dye naturally
Sacramento Center for Textile Arts celebrates International Yarn Bombing Day
Sacramento Perennial Plant Club hosts vendors and 'The Plant Lady' on Saturday
Art by Fire hosts annual Seconds Sale at Shepard Center
Sacramento-area textile artists model their one-of-a-kind creations, then hold big sale.
Loomis in the spotlight with compost class, High-Hand Nursery event
More weekend events: Plant sale, gardening classes
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