SCTA hosts huge event at Shepard Center including daily fashion shows
Bring seeds, cuttings to share with others while learning about California native plants
Dozens of plant and crafts clubs offer plants, books, jewelry, artwork and more
Delta society hosts annual show and sale of African violets, gesneriads and rare bloomers
More than 1,000 plants in rare and unusual species will be offered
Add a rainbow of color to your water-wise garden with easy-care bearded irises
Sacramento textile artists host colorful array at Shepard Center
Garden clubs meet at the McKinley Park site -- arts groups, too
Chrysanthemum celebration includes tribute to club president
Unique event at Shepard Center features hand-painted items, tea service
From Woodland to Placerville, plenty of possibilities -- and a propagation workshop, too
Sacramento show highlights floral freedom of expression
American Bonsai Association, Sacramento, welcomes public to bid at Shepard Center
Find hundreds of indoor plants in rare varieties at Shepard Center event
Find hundreds of unusual, colorful shade-loving plants at free event
Bearded irises are a perfect addition to water-wise Sacramento gardens.
Bearded irises are a perfect addition to water-wise Sacramento gardens.
Colorful creations to come down Friday; on Saturday, Shepard Center holds annual meeting.
At Shepard Center, Sacramento Valley Cymbidium Society offers beautiful plants grown by members
Sacramento Bromeliad and Carnivorous Plant Society hosts 53rd annual show and sale at Shepard Center.
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