Spectacular chrysanthemums on display plus potted plants for sale
Huge event features handmade pottery, ceramics, glass and metalwork
Huge event features handmade pottery, ceramics, glass and metalwork
Native plants, Arboretum All-Stars and more will be offered
Find great bargains on art and craft supplies, and learn to tie-dye naturally
Sacramento Center for Textile Arts celebrates International Yarn Bombing Day
Ikebana club and Friends of East Sacramento present event full of 'useful and interesting stuff'
Find hundreds of rare plants at Sacramento chrysanthemum cutting sale
Sacramento group hosts huge show and sale at Shepard Center
See hundreds in bloom and learn more about roses
'In the Garden' is theme for annual show and sale at Shepard Center
Two historic clubs host Sacramento events devoted to ancient tradition
Find a new flower vase or special plant container
Find a new flower vase or special plant container
More weekend events: Plant sale, gardening classes
Items for sale will range from plants and pots to vintage items and books.
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