Before buying more, thin your seed stockpile; compost or share the rest
How to be a better (and more thoughtful) gardener
Weird weather did produce some winners (and a few winter tomatoes)
Rain is coming back to Sacramento – but when?
After atmospheric river, we'll have some chilly nights
New! Premade crust, herbed soft cheese can speed up the prep work
Thanksgiving week is a time to dry out and count blessings
Get ready to chill as cold fronts bring potential frost
Each month offers tips on keeping the garden and the gardeners healthy
November starts with typical fall weather – mild
Garden forecast: November starts with real rain, then more warm days
Half Moon Bay champion wins by a margin of just 6 pounds
New! Dijon, horseradish and more provide the kick
Last days of October may get a little damp
Winds bring high fire danger, low humidity
After record heat wave, fall weather finally arrives
New! Toasted coconut, mustard seeds and nuts provide crunch
After September heat, October starts out with triple digits
Coming soon: Much cooler temperatures with possibility of rain
Sacramento master gardeners will be available for questions, tips during Open Garden
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