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Roasted Honey Nut squash a side dish for autumn

Recipe: Maple glaze is subtly spiced; lime juice adds balance

Sprinkled with lime juice and fresh thyme just before serving, the Honey Nut squash makes a delicious seasonal side dish.

Sprinkled with lime juice and fresh thyme just before serving, the Honey Nut squash makes a delicious seasonal side dish. Kathy Morrison

It's squash season -- decorative and otherwise -- which means we vegetable gardeners get to explore all the things that squash can do. Well, beyond pie, which is a given.

This is the first year I've successfully grown Honey Nut squash. This little squash, which looks like butternut's younger, oranger sibling, is a relatively new member of the squash family. It was developed by a Cornell University Institute plant breeder, Michael Mazourek, who in 2009 was challenged by a New York chef to create a squash that was smaller, sweeter and less stringy than the ubiquitous butternut. I'd say he succeeded.

Ingredients for squash dish
The two squash together weighed 1.36 pounds.

As a bonus, Honey Nut is much easier to cut in half than just about any other orange squash, and the skin is thin enough to eat when cooked, so no peeling needed.

Back in May I planted two hills of seeds at the base of a strong trellis, and they've been very happy, sprawling but taking up much less room than, say, a pumpkin plant. The largest one I've harvested so far is about 1-1/2 pounds, the smallest just half a pound. Like other squash, they need to cure for about 10 days before cooking or storing.

"You grew it, now eat it!" says Farmer Fred Hoffman. OK, let's show off this cute squash in a side dish that doesn't overwhelm with sweetness. This version was freely adapted from a NY Times recipe. The spices can be adjusted for personal taste, but if at all possible don't leave out the lime juice -- it balances the spicy-sweet perfectly. (And my limes are ripening, too -- nice timing.)

Looking ahead: Doubled, this recipe would make a fine addition to a Thanksgiving spread.

Roasted winter squash with spiced maple glaze 

Serves 3-4


Squash seed removal
Melon baller makes quick work of deseeding.

1 to 1-1/2 pounds small winter squash(es), such as Honey Nut, Sweet Dumpling or Delicata 

2 shallots, peeled and cut in half or quartered, depending on size

3 tablespoons real maple syrup

Large pinch Aleppo pepper or crushed red pepper flakes, or to taste

2 tablespoons unsalted butter

1/8 teaspoon coriander seeds or ground coriander

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

Pinch of ground nutmeg

Pinch of smoked paprika

For serving:

Several sprigs of fresh thyme

Lime juice from 1/2 fresh lime


Line a roasting pan with heavy-duty foil (preferred), or sturdy parchment paper, and grease the inside lightly with oil spray or heat-tolerant cooking oil (grapeseed oil is my go-to for this). Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.

Cut the stem and blossom ends off the squash, and slice the squash in half. Scoop out the seeds. (A melon baller is useful for this.) Slice each half crosswise into 1/2-inch slices. Place the slices in a large bowl, along with the shallot pieces, and set aside.

Squash pieces in roasting pan
Spread the vegetable pieces in one layer.

In a small saucepan, simmer the maple syrup and Aleppo pepper on medium-high heat for 1 to 3 minutes. Don't walk away from the stove -- this can overcook or scorch easily. You just want to concentrate and flavor the syrup a bit.

Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the butter, which will melt, and the coriander, salt and pepper, nutmeg and smoked paprika.

Pour the mixture over the squash slices and shallot pieces, and stir to coat evenly.

Place the squash mixture, including all the liquid, in the prepared pan in one layer.

Roast for 15 minutes. Stir the vegetables, flipping them over,  and cook for an additional 10 minutes or until skin on the squash is tender.

Remove from heat and place the vegetables on a serving platter or bowl. Squeeze the lime half over the vegetables, then strip the thyme off the stems and sprinkle it over the plate, and serve.


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Garden Checklist for week of April 21

This week there’s plenty to keep gardeners busy. With no rain in the immediate forecast, remember to irrigate any new transplants.

* Weed, weed, weed! Get them before they flower and go to seed.

* April is the last chance to plant citrus trees such as dwarf orange, lemon and kumquat. These trees also look good in landscaping and provide fresh fruit in winter.

* Smell orange blossoms? Feed citrus trees with a low dose of balanced fertilizer (such as 10-10-10) during bloom to help set fruit. Keep an eye out for ants.

* Apply slow-release fertilizer to the lawn.

* Thoroughly clean debris from the bottom of outdoor ponds or fountains.

* Spring brings a flush of rapid growth, and that means your garden is really hungry. Feed shrubs and trees with a slow-release fertilizer. Or mulch with a 1-inch layer of compost.

* Azaleas and camellias looking a little yellow? If leaves are turning yellow between the veins, give them a boost with chelated iron.

* Trim dead flowers but not leaves from spring-flowering bulbs such as daffodils and tulips. Those leaves gather energy to create next year's flowers. Also, give the bulbs a fertilizer boost after bloom.

* Pinch chrysanthemums back to 12 inches for fall flowers. Cut old stems to the ground.

* Mulch around plants to conserve moisture and control weeds.

* From seed, plant beans, beets, cantaloupes, carrots, corn, cucumbers, melons, radishes and squash.

* Plant onion sets.

* In the flower garden, plant seeds for asters, cosmos, celosia, marigolds, salvia, sunflowers and zinnias.

* Transplant petunias, zinnias, geraniums and other summer bloomers.

* Plant perennials and dahlia tubers for summer bloom.

* Mid to late April is about the last chance to plant summer bulbs, such as gladiolus and tuberous begonias.

* Transplant lettuce seedlings. Choose varieties that mature quickly such as loose leaf.

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