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Herbs, tomatoes and more are big attraction May 4

Anise hyssop is the 2019 Herb of the Year. At its May 4 Open House, Morningsun Herb Farm plans to give all moms a free hyssop plant as an early Mother's Day gift. (Photo: Courtesy Morningsun Herb Farm)
Morningsun Herb Farm hosts 24th annual Open House

Herbs rank among the most popular plants for beginning gardeners – and experienced gardeners, too. Their appeal is easy to understand. Herbs often need little room (and not much water) while adding flavor and fragrance to our world. And many herbs are very easy to grow.

See hundreds of examples at Morningsun Herb Farm, a destination nursery in Vacaville. Saturday, May 4, Morningsun hosts its
24th annual Open House from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free.

Besides Morningun’s beautiful demonstration gardens and amazing assortment of herb plants for sale, the Open House features demonstrations, specialty vendors and food. More than 20 vendors and garden groups will take part.

In addition to all those herbs, Morningsun offers a huge selection of perennials, succulents, summer vegetables and tomato transplants.

Radio host Farmer Fred Hoffman will be talking tomatoes during his 11:30 a.m. presentation, “Tomato Troubleshooting.” He’s one of seven guest speakers, starting at 10 a.m.

In honor of Mother’s Day, every mom gets a gift: An anise hyssop. That agastache is the 2019 herb of the year.

Morningsun is located at 6137 Pleasants Valley Road, Vacaville. Details including directions: .


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Garden Checklist for week of Sept. 29

Make the most of cool mornings and remember to keep new transplants hydrated. Their roots appreciate the warm soil, even though they may wilt in this heat.

* October is the best month to plant trees, shrubs and perennials.

* Before planting, add a little well-aged compost and bone meal to the soil, but hold off on other fertilizers until spring. Keep the transplants well-watered (but not wet) for the first month as they become settled.

* Dig up corms and tubers of gladioli, dahlias and tuberous begonias after the foliage dies. Clean and store in a cool, dry place.

* Treat azaleas, gardenias and camellias with chelated iron if leaves are yellowing between the veins.

* Clean up the summer vegetable garden and compost disease-free foliage.

* Harvest pumpkins and winter squash.

* Now is the time to plant seeds for many flowers directly into the garden, including cornflower, nasturtium, nigella, poppy, portulaca, sweet pea and stock.

* Plant seeds for radishes, bok choy, mustard, spinach and peas.

* Plant garlic and onions.

* Set out cool-weather bedding plants, including calendula, pansy, snapdragon, primrose and viola.

* Reseed and feed the lawn. Work on bare spots.

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