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Garden tasks for a rainy day

What to do when you don’t want to go outside

Garden journal
Here's a good idea for a wet day: Review what
was planted last year. Keeping an annual journal
helps jog the memory when it's time to order
seeds or start planting. (Photo: Kathy Morrison)

It’s finally raining; now what?

We gardeners know we need the precipitation, but this big winter storm is expected to keep us indoors for most of this week.

According to the National Weather Service, the greater Sacramento area could receive as many as 3 inches of rain this week – almost as much as we get during the whole month of January.

Although it will be too soggy to do much (if anything) outside, there are still plenty of ideas to keep us busy gardening while staying warm and dry:

* Browse seed catalogs and websites – then order now! Many companies are reporting seed shortages, particularly of the most popular varieties. Also in short supply: Fruit trees.

* Before ordering more, review your seed stock on hand. Gardeners tend to buy way more seed than they plant. Although packages are marked for their intended planting season, many seed varieties are still viable for two or three years (or more) past that date.

* Not sure those leftover seeds are viable? Test them. Wrap a few seeds in a damp paper towel. Tuck it inside a plastic bag. Wait three or four days, then check to see if that seed sprouted. Some varieties take a week to 10 days to finally sprout, so you may need to be patient. But if there’s no sign of life after 10 days, that seed has likely lost its viability.

* Start seed indoors. Besides such summer staples as tomatoes and peppers, other veggies also appreciate a head start including lettuce and chard. Those leafy greens will grow quickly once transplanted outdoors in late February.

* Start herb seeds. Parsley, cilantro, chives, basil and many other herbs can be started indoors before moving to the garden. Another bonus: Some herbs can stay on the windowsill and grow there.

* Clean and sharpen tools. Particularly if you’ve been doing a lot of pruning, your tools could use some TLC. Sharpen blades with a knife-sharpening tool. Also, sanitize those blades with Lysol, bleach or other antibacterial cleaner to kill fungal disease. Otherwise, you may unknowingly spread fungal spores to healthy plants.

* Pay some attention to your houseplants. After weeks of winter air, they probably could use some dusting. Trim off browned leaves. If you’re feeling really energetic, repot those houseplants that have outgrown their containers.

* It’s not too late to start a garden journal. Note your observations on your 2020 garden (before you totally forget), while also recording planting, transplanting, harvest dates and other information for this year.


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Garden Checklist for week of April 14

It's still not warm enough to transplant tomatoes directly in the ground, but we’re getting there.

* April is the last chance to plant citrus trees such as dwarf orange, lemon and kumquat. These trees also look good in landscaping and provide fresh fruit in winter.

* Smell orange blossoms? Feed citrus trees with a low dose of balanced fertilizer (such as 10-10-10) during bloom to help set fruit. Keep an eye out for ants.

* Apply slow-release fertilizer to the lawn.

* Thoroughly clean debris from the bottom of outdoor ponds or fountains.

* Spring brings a flush of rapid growth, and that means your garden needs nutrients. Fertilize shrubs and trees with a slow-release fertilizer. Or mulch with a 1-inch layer of compost.

* Azaleas and camellias looking a little yellow? If leaves are turning yellow between the veins, give them a boost with chelated iron.

* Trim dead flowers but not leaves from spring-flowering bulbs such as daffodils and tulips. Those leaves gather energy to create next year's flowers. Also, give the bulbs a fertilizer boost after bloom.

* Pinch chrysanthemums back to 12 inches for fall flowers. Cut old stems to the ground.

* Mulch around plants to conserve moisture and control weeds.

* From seed, plant beans, beets, cantaloupes, carrots, corn, cucumbers, melons, radishes and squash.

* Plant onion sets.

* In the flower garden, plant seeds for asters, cosmos, celosia, marigolds, salvia, sunflowers and zinnias.

* Transplant petunias, zinnias, geraniums and other summer bloomers.

* Plant perennials and dahlia tubers for summer bloom.

* Mid to late April is about the last chance to plant summer bulbs, such as gladiolus and tuberous begonias.

* Transplant lettuce seedlings. Choose varieties that mature quickly such as loose leaf.

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