Family fun, ornament painting and more at Elk Grove destination nursery/ garden store
New! Premade crust, herbed soft cheese can speed up the prep work
Thanksgiving week is a time to dry out and count blessings
Mandarin festival booth skipped; award-winning gardening guide now available online
Sacramento Perennial Plant Club supports school, nonprofit and community programs
Relles Florist in Sacramento offers popular DIY class
'Atmospheric river' could drop as much as 4 inches of rain in five days
Featuring tons of local citrus, popular event opens Friday in Roseville
New! Persimmon-raisin scones with fresh Fuyu persimmon
Get ready to chill as cold fronts bring potential frost
Famous feng shui expert opens her private Huei's Garden to the public Saturday
Each month offers tips on keeping the garden and the gardeners healthy
Thoughtful landscaping can channel more deep irrigation to trees, shrubs
Spectacular chrysanthemums on display plus potted plants for sale
One-acre nursery offers thousands of water-wise plants at bargain prices
New! Autumn spices and mix-ins boost the fall vibe
Week starts soggy as Sacramento settles into fall weather pattern
Sacramento Tree Foundation offers ‘Tree Identification’ workshop, walking tour
Environmental factors combine to cause the ripening fruit to burst
SCTA hosts huge event at Shepard Center including daily fashion shows
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