Good Business Directory: Ola Chica

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Phone: 831-359-1175

Year Founded:



Functional, fashionable surf and swimwear for active women. Perfect for all water sports, volleyball, paddlers, rafters, kitesurfers and more. Swimwear that stays on when you move. Designed and tested by a Santa Cruz local surfer.

Why We Give Back:

By giving back we help make our community better place and we open ourselves up to the enriching experience of receiving. The satisfaction derived from making a positive impact and fostering a more generous world is immeasurable, fueling our desire to continue contributing and creating a better, more compassionate community.

How We Give Back:

We give back by bringing the Women On Waves Surf & Swim Contest to life. We organize and run this event every year. It takes place in Capitola, California, on the second to last weekend of October.

WOW is a unique event that gives women and girls an opportunity to surf, swim, and be in the spotlight.

Proceeds from the event are given to a non-profit of our choice to help them grow and succeed.

We are big believers in nature, keeping our oceans clean, and positively supporting our community!

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