New! Savory cherry sauce with sweet onions goes great with pork, chicken
NEW! Fresh strawberry-orange salsa with green onions
NEW Strawberries and cream scones with orange zest
NEW Ham and baby potato casserole with glazed carrots
NEW Chocolate glaze especially appropriate for a holiday dessert
Recipe: Poppy seeds add texture to vegan snack cake
Recipe: Bake them in ramekins for easy serving now or later
Placer County master gardeners offer free workshop
Recipe: Make bourbon apple butter for extra flavorful filling
Enjoy winter fruit and vegetables with these home-grown recipes
Hearty winter warmer also is gluten-free
Recipe: Pantry ingredients add up to a filling meal
Lemon-persimmon muffins with lemon glaze
Easy snack for game days or binge-watching, too
Recipe: Roasting squash increases the depth of flavor
Recipe: Sweet potato latkes, served with applesauce and sour cream
Recipe: Zest and herb combination also works in muffins
Recipe: Persimmon and/or apple crisp adjusts to fruit on hand
Recipe: Different mix-ins change the personality of the scone
Spiced coffee cake an ideal treat for early-fall breakfast
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